At our last Geezer Gathering, Jim Stitt brought this Anchor Steam Christmas Ale poster that shows the full collection of 39 labels designed for Anchor Steam Ale. For forty years Jim has created labels (illustrations and lettering) entirely by hand and without the aid of computer programs. Each year the Christmas label required a new choice of tree, new lettering in a new arrangement working with the same few colors.
I also show some of Jim’s line studies. Much study is needed, in order to represent each individual tree.
There are a lot of Anchor Steam Beer and Jim Stitt sites to see, so without me having to re-write a lot of information —his following site tells a lot:
I have shown more of Jim’s artwork and history on our: jim-stitt-design Here you will see Jim’s boat in Sausalito where he lived and worked.
Napa Valley Museum Jim Stitt
On their website you can read Jim’s bio and there is an ANCHORSTEAM YouTube Video that shows Jim in action.
Ann Thompson,
With our best seasonal wishes to our readers–
and to Piet Halberstadt who presents our Geezers’ Gallery

But it’s Ann that does all the work.