Some of San Francisco’s Photographers plus Fred Sweger
Previously I have shown photographs of photographers: Ed Zak, Holger Kreuzhage, and Bob Skelton. Here is a small collection of photographers of the time.
Show Photographers 1 through 9A&B
1- Jack Allen-So much to say, so limited this space / 2- Fred Lyon-Portraits of San Francisco / 3- Milton Halberstadt — A top “table-top” specialist / 4- Walter Swarthout-High fashion, natural portraits and captured beauty of dance / 5- Tom Vano, Jon Wells, Hank Fagliano and Morton Beebe‑A very successful team of talent / 6‑Tom Moulin-Expertise beyond the historic Gabriel Moulin Studios / 7‑Byron McGraw- Black and white photographer and corporation president at “Copy Service” / 8‑Tom King-Personality photographer for the Examiner, American President Lines and neighborhood musicians e.g.Bola Sete / 9A&B‑Chuck Weckler- Photographer indoor and outdoor — in San Francisco and out on the Sierra Mountains on November 4, 1964
This collection, below, was sent to me about two years ago from Kristofer Sweger and I somehow did not present it at that time. Kristopher has been very patient.
Hi Ann,? As promised, I am sending you some work-related pictures of or by my father, Fred Sweger.

Announcement from Dickey and Harleen Studios in 1953 when Fred Sweger joined the firm. Left to right: Ed Dickey, Carl Harleen and Fred Sweger. At the time, Fred was one of a small number of people in the area who produced high quality dye transfer color prints. That may be why he is shown in the photo covered with cyan, yellow and magenta.
Show Sweger photos 1,2,3,and 4
1‑Dickey and Harleen Studios announcement of new phone number, circa 1958. Would this work nowadays?
2- 333 Sacramento Street, San Francisco
3‑Dickey and Harleen Studios front door, about 1960. The door color design was by Fred Sweger, ?possibly influenced by Mondrian, but using more than just the primary colors.
4‑The fourth photo is from 1950, during a relatively short period when Fred worked at Moulin Studios. Photo of Irving Moulin with Fred Sweger and another man in the background, taken in 1950 at Moulin Studios.??
Best regards,??
Kris Sweger